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Created 29-Mar-21
Modified 29-Mar-21
Visitors 0
120 photos
it is called the "teardrop of india". a country between paradies and hell with all the colors in between. the photos are obviously not sorted by themes to give an impression of this country in his various facets.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:Sri Lanka
Keywords:SriLanka, and, beach, buddhism, free, indian, nature, ocean, paradies, people, teardrop, war, wild, workers

LandscapeSriLankaImp_007_RGB_25042006 (1)SriLankaImp_095_RGB_25042006peoplepeoplepeoplepeopleSriLankaImp_025_RGB_25042006 (1)peopleSriLankaImp_094_RGB_25042006peopleSriLankaImp_119_RGB_25042006LandscapeLandscapepeoplepeoplepeoplepeoplepeoplepeople